Alcohol & Health...
Below are our articles on the subject of Alcohol & Health. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
Acute Alcohol Withdrawal: Symptoms and Treatment.
Acute Alcohol Withdrawal has had much public attention recently - new clinical guidelines reveal the exact definition, nature, treatment and prognosis for recovery…...
Alcohol and Cancer Risks
The links between alcohol consumption and cancer risk are becoming clearer, even if we don't have all the answers on how alcohol contributes to the development of cancer....
Alcohol and Diabetes: How Strong is the Link?
Links between alcohol consumption and diabetes are complex and recent research suggests that abstinence may not be the best answer....
Alcohol and Fertility
Most of us recognise that drinking alcohol when pregnant is a bad idea, but increasingly we are coming to understand that alcohol has negative effects on fertility and…...
Alcohol Poisoning
Alcohol poisoning is becoming more common and recognising the symptoms can help save lives....
New Year's Resolutions for a Better Relationship to Alcohol
New Year's Resolutions don't have to be all or nothing - try these life-enhancing ways to change your relationship to alcohol....
Questionnaire: Are You a Stress-Related Drinker?
Stress-related drinking is increasingly seen as an issue at work and at home. Defining who is a stress-related drinker is the first step to finding help....
Spotting Hidden Alcohol Issues
We tend to have a mental picture of the classic alcoholic, but many people hide their alcohol consumption or may not even recognise that they have an alcohol abuse…...