Alcohol Awareness...
Below are our articles on the subject of Alcohol Awareness. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
A Brief History of Alcohol
People have been making and drinking alcohol since prehistory. Regarding the current media hype about binge drinking, it is easy to forget that these problems have…...
A Safe Night's Drinking: Tips and Strategies
A great night out is more likely if you plan your drinking in advance....
Alcohol and Holidays
The average Brit consumes three times as much alcohol as recommended, during a Bank Holiday. Learn how to protect yourself from the effects of holiday drinking....
Alcohol and Links With Marketing
The advertising and promotion of alcohol is strictly controlled. Whilst there are restrictions on alcohol advertising in order to promote responsible drinking and…...
Alcohol and Mental Health Issues
Mental health issues and problem drinking frequently overlap and interlink....
Alcohol and the Older Person
Older drinkers are becoming an increasing focus for health professionals as injuries rise and home drinking in older people becomes more commonplace....
Alcohol and Women: New Forms of Drinking
Women are drinking more, drinking differently and experiencing different problems as a result of changes in their alcohol consumption patterns....
Alcohol Around the World
Britain is just one of many countries with a tradition of producing and drinking alcohol. This article takes a brief look at the variety of other drinking cultures…...
Alcohol, Calories and Health
One little considered effect of drinking alcohol is weight gain, and understanding the calories in alcohol can help us moderate our drinking to healthy limits....
Alcohol's Links to Depression
The links between alcohol and depression are complex and may need specialist help if they are to be treated adequately to allow the drinker to have a good quality of…...
Know your Limits for Responsible Drinking
Very few people know the exact amount of alcohol they have consumed. Where the weekly recommended guidelines are concerned even fewer people know how many units of…...
Multiple Substance Abuse: How Alcohol Fits In
Multiple substance abuse is likely to begin with problem drinking and to escalate into abusing difference substances - knowing the reasons it happens can help manage…...
Quiz: Heavy Drinker, Problem Drinker or Alcoholic?
The terms alcoholic, problem drinker and heavy drinker are bandied about, but what do they mean and how can you tell which one you might be?...
Simon, a High Functioning Alcoholic: Case Study
High functioning alcoholics often fool themselves, and the world, about their drinking problem, but sooner or later something goes wrong and they are forced to face…...
The Portman Group/Drinkaware
the Portman Group and Drinkaware were set up to promote safe marketing and consumption of alcohol in the UK...
The Rise of the Alcopop and Children Drinking
Teenage binge-drinking may be blamed on the promotion of brightly-coloured, sweet-flavoured alcoholic beverages, and is alarmingly on the increase. Mistakenly assuming…...
The Sale of Alcohol, Who Can Buy It, When and Where
The purchase of intoxicating liquor is now possible from a growing number of retail outlets. Off-Licences no longer hold the monopoly on sales, as local corner shop…...
The UK's Relationship with Alcohol
Whilst our culture may encourage social interaction, as a nation we are not as clued up about the dangers of excessive drinking as we like to think we are.…...
What to Do When a Night Out Goes Wrong
Do you know what to do if a night out goes wrong? A problem doesn't have to spell disaster if you know how to cope with a night out goes wrong....